Acts 11:14 NKJV
14 who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved.’
After the wonderful salvations that came to Cornelius and his household, Peter had to go back to Jerusalem and face the Jewish believers, who were not happy. Their problem was that Peter went to Gentiles, the uncircumcised, and had a meal with them. This was considered a violation of Jewish law. But Peter did not back down.
Peter told of how the Lord gave him a vision and made it clear to him that what God had cleansed, Peter was not to call common or unclean. As an aside, God has provided cleansing for all of mankind through the blood of Jesus on the cross. Now, all a person has to do is receive what God has provided. God’s grace has provided salvation, and when the gospel is preached, faith to receive that salvation comes. This is essentially what the angel told Cornelius. Send for Peter, and Peter will tell you words by which you and your household will be saved.
In chapter ten, we saw where Peter went and preached Jesus to Cornelius and his family and friends. But salvation did not come until Peter preached. Even though Cornelius was a devout God-fearing man, he had to receive God’s words. But when Cornelius and the people gathered in his house, heard and received God’s words through Peter, they were saved. Interesting to note that it took the Gentiles being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking with other tongues to convince the Jews that they were actually saved. Aren’t you glad God knows exactly what He is doing and how to do it?
Angels do not preach the gospel. It seems that the angel could have given Cornelius words that could have brought salvation. But God has determined that man proclaims salvation truths to man. Angels may deliver messages and offer guidance, such as when the angel told Philip to go to the desert road in Acts chapter eight. But the message of salvation, the words that bring salvation, is the responsibility of mankind. If angels could do it, Jesus would not have spent time with the disciples preparing them to go to the nations.
There are words that bring salvation today. God’s Word has lost none of its power or effectiveness. And if there are words that bring salvation, the greatest miracle, then there are words that bring hope, peace, deliverance, and healing. There are God’s words that bring a calm to our minds and strength to our spirits. Words that bring healing to bodies and emotions. Words that bring mental health. Words that bring vision and expectation. Words that bring inspiration and direction.
Yes, there are God’s words by which anyone, anywhere, can receive and be saved. But there are also God’s words that bring so much more into our lives. This is why the author of Hebrews said that God’s Word is alive and powerful.
Lord, thank You for Your words. They have brought salvation and so much more into my life.