Alan's Devotionals


Psalms 40:4 NKJV 
4 “ Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, 
      And does not respect the proud , nor such as turn aside to lies.” 



Fans of the 80s movies will remember the line from Ghost Busters. Who you gonna call? But all kidding aside, who you gonna trust is a question with much greater consequences.   


In our verse for today, David defines the person who is blessed. The blessed person is the one who makes the Lord their trust—an interesting choice of words. Making the Lord our trust is a decision, not a feeling. We choose to make the Lord the One we are going to trust. And if we have received Jesus as Savior, we have already made the biggest of decisions. The choice to receive Christ is a choice of who we are going to trust. When we declare that we believe that Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead, we are choosing to trust Him for our salvation. And when all is said and done, that is the most important decision we can make in this lifetime.   


Not respecting the proud or those who are captivated by lies is a decision we will have to continually make even after receiving Christ. We receive salvation by putting our trust in the Lord. But to live this life in a way that honors the Lord, we will have to continue to trust Him as opposed to the predominant voices of the world around us—provided, of course, that we want to live as the blessed.   


The voices of the proud are loud. They are the voices that seek to minimize God and the Lordship of Jesus. Pride does not want any competing voices or acknowledging anyone with a greater authority. Pride wants to do things my way. Pride revels in my truth, and pride is in direct conflict with God. So much so that the scriptures tell us in James that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. It takes humility to be a follower of Christ. Humility is required to walk in the paths that He ordains. But it’s not a crowded path because the proud are not there. But the path of humility is also the path of blessing. God may resist the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. Grace is for those who will acknowledge God as greater and put their trust in His word and His ways.   


God’s grace is amazing. God’s grace will carry us much further than we could ever go on our own. We can make this decision. We can put our trust in God and honor Him. We see the proud and those who promote lies. We don’t hate them. But we do not show them the same respect we show to the One who died for us and rose again.   



Lord, I walk by faith, not by sight, and choose to put my trust in You. This is where the blessings are now and for eternity. 
