Acts 27:9-10 NKJV
9 Now when much time had been spent, and sailing was now dangerous because the Fast was already over, Paul advised them, 10 saying, "Men, I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives."
Paul is on his way to Rome. This was no easy trip, and the optimal time for sailing was over. Paul had a warning about continuing the voyage. But no one was listening.
Paul advised those responsible for the vessel that the voyage would end with disaster. Not only would the cargo and ship be lost, but everyone onboard would lose their lives. Paul did not say he had a word from the Lord. He never said God told me. He said, "I perceive.” We know, because of prior knowledge, that Paul was a man tuned into God. He had a great understanding of the Holy Spirit, the gift from God to believers. Paul wrote to the church in Rome and spoke of being led by the Spirit of God. So, it's obvious that the Holy Spirit, who shows us things to come, had witnessed to Paul that the voyage would end badly if they kept sailing.
But Paul knew he was not talking with believers, so he used the words "I perceive." Unfortunately, no one bought off on Paul's warning, and they sailed off under a southern wind that blew softly. But soft southern winds did not tell the entire story, and they hit a storm that tossed them for over two weeks. They wound up losing the ship and the cargo, but everyone on board made it out alive. If you read the rest of the chapter, God supernaturally moved to protect Paul and saved everyone traveling with him.
And when the ship was in the middle of the storm, when Paul stood up to speak again, everyone onboard was all ears.
'I perceive' is something not limited to Paul. We often call our perceptions a hunch or a gut feeling. But really, we are a spirit, we have a soul, and we live in a body. Our spirits can pick up things that our mind does not know or have any access to.
In 2005, we had just moved into our current building when a category five hurricane was barreling toward the Houston area. Being obviously concerned with what a hurricane of that magnitude would do to the new church, I was praying with some intensity. I was in the prayer room when I just knew; I perceived that the church was going to be okay. Highway I-45 was completely jammed from Houston to Dallas, with people evacuating the area, but we stayed home. I was working off a perception. This is not being a psychic or any kind of black arts practitioner. This is simply tuning into the Holy Spirit, who knows all things and is able to show us things to come, as Jesus said in John 16:13.
All believers have the ability to perceive things in our spirit. The challenge is getting quiet enough and still enough to pick up what the Holy Spirit is telling us. He is a gift from God to us who has been sent to help us. But He whispers and impresses. He does not shout or force.
Thank You, Father, for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank You that I can grow more aware of Him and how He leads and impresses me in my spirit. Thank You that, just like Paul, I can perceive.