Acts 20:22-24, 32 NKJV
22 And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, 23 except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me. 24 But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
32 “So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
I am very fond of this 20th chapter of Acts. This chapter sees Paul raise a young man from the dead and give some excellent parting wisdom to the leaders of the Ephesian church.
One of the virtues we seldom attribute to Paul is courage. And yet, this was one very brave man. The things he experienced preaching the gospel contained more hardship than any Hollywood movie. He was beaten often, shipwrecked, stoned and left for dead, imprisoned, and persecuted in almost every city he visited. In our verses for today, we learn one of the secrets of Paul’s courage and endurance.
Paul knew that trouble was coming. The Holy Spirit, who shows us things to come, showed Paul that chains or imprisonment and severe trouble were waiting for him in Jerusalem. After all the things this man went through, one would think enough is enough. But Paul was unmoved. Literally, he was not moved by the impending problems. Paul tells us why he is not worried about the Jerusalem trip. He did not count his life as dear to himself. He was not worried about his life. There was a bigger objective that Paul counted as more important.
Paul wanted to finish the assignment that the Lord had given him, to finish his race with joy. That joy would come from knowing that he accomplished all the Lord had for him to do. Paul wanted to finish the ministry of proclaiming the gospel of the grace of God. This is what mattered most to Paul. It’s hard to kill a man who is not concerned about dying. Hard to stop a man who is not trying to protect his life. A man with a mission bigger than the misery is a man of courage and conviction. Paul knew what he would be facing, but it did not cause him to waver off course.
Paul had the opportunity to share some final words with the leaders of the Ephesian church. He commended them to God and the word of God’s grace. When all is said and done, look to God and the word of His grace. The word of His grace is the gospel of what God has done for man through Jesus. This word has the ability to build a person spiritually, separate them from the world, and give them access to the inheritance that is available through Christ. Look to God and obey Him. Look to His word and be built up and enriched from the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
Paul had many more things to say to the leaders, but his example of courage and what he commended them to are valuable insights into a man who ran his race well.
Dear Father, help me grasp what it means to not count my life dear to myself. I look to You and the word of Your grace to build me, strengthen me, and separate me for Your honor so that I might finish my race.