Proverbs 8:10-11 NKJV
10 Receive my instruction, and not silver,
And knowledge rather than choice gold;
11 For wisdom is better than rubies,
And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.
Reading Proverbs chapter eight, we find wisdom speaking. And wisdom is personified as female. I cannot profess to know why wisdom is called she. I do know that wisdom is different from power, which is typically a male attribute. Wisdom is powerful but in a different way. So, to personify wisdom as female works for me. That’s only my take on it, and certainly not worth a dispute. I can wait until heaven to prove that I am right. But I digress.
Wisdom, and of course we are speaking of godly wisdom, makes some bold declarations. Wisdom declares that she is to be chosen rather than silver. And knowledge, again godly knowledge, is to be chosen rather than fine gold. When we take into account that silver and gold in Solomon’s day were currency, this is saying a lot. If we had a choice, wisdom and knowledge, or a hefty amount of silver and gold, most are taking the money. Money, silver, and gold are tangible assets we can see and feel. Whereas wisdom and knowledge are more nebulous.
But the man who wrote this proverb, Solomon, was someone well acquainted with silver and gold. He had loads of silver and gold. And he had loads of wisdom that the Lord blessed him with. And so, the man with the experience and the inspiration from God tells us that wisdom and knowledge are preferred to money. Solomon was the king who was given the opportunity to receive from God whatever he wanted. God appeared to him in a dream and told Solomon to ask. We would call this today a proverbial blank check. Solomon asked for wisdom to be a blessing to God’s people. He wanted wisdom to be a good king. Solomon’s request for wisdom in Second Chronicles Chapter One pleased God. The fact that Solomon had asked for wisdom, not money, fame, long life, or his enemies being defeated, was so right in God’s sight that God gave him the wisdom and so much more. God gave Solomon the riches, the fame, and peace in his borders. Solomon made the right choice when he asked for wisdom and got more than he asked for. Solomon knows firsthand that wisdom is what is needed the most. What if Solomon had asked for money or fame? I do not believe the results would have been nearly as good.
The thing about wisdom is that it’s not just for us. Wisdom, God’s wisdom, will make us a blessing to the people around us. God’s kingdom does not operate on selfishness. Wisdom enables us to do well in life and wisdom enables us to help others. If God spoke to you tonight in a dream and gave you the choice of asking whatever you desired, what would you ask for? Here’s a hint: ask for wisdom.
Heavenly Father, please grant me wisdom and knowledge to know You more and to know the Lord Jesus in a greater way. I also ask for wisdom to be a better representative of the Lord Jesus to my world.