Acts 16: 6-8 NKJ
Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. 7 After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Holy Spirit did not permit them. 8 So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas.
Chapter 16 starts on an unusual note. Paul and Silas add Timothy to their team. Timothy had a Jewish mother and a Greek father. He was a believer. He had a good reputation among the other believers in Lystra and Iconium. And Paul took him and had him circumcised. Paul was the biggest proponent of not having to be circumcised, so why put Timothy through the pain? Paul was wise enough to know that he and Timothy also had to reach Jews in that area, who knew of Timothy's mixed heritage. In circumcising Timothy, Paul removed a barrier for taking Timothy into Jewish synagogues on their travels. Paul adapted to the culture without compromising his faith.
As they were going into Asia, the Holy Spirit put a stop on that direction. Later, Paul, Silas, and Timothy would preach the word in Asia, but the timing was not right. So the team was heading for Bithynia. But again, they were checked by the Holy Spirit. They kept going until Paul had a vision in the night to go to Macedonia. But in these brief verses, we can learn some valuable insights about the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Paul and his team were moving forward when the Holy Spirit stopped them. Now, it does not say how they were stopped, but from Paul's other writings, he spoke of being led by the Spirit and the witness of the Spirit. Chances are that Paul was checked in his heart about the direction. It's important to note that Paul was not stationary. He was moving when the Holy Spirit directed him. Often, we sit and wait instead of moving in a direction and then sensing a green light to go or a red light to stop. We call these red light, green light hunches. But another term is a witness or a sensing in our hearts.
Paul obeyed what he sensed the Holy Spirit was leading him to do. He could have balked at the direction, but he wanted to follow the Lord's leading. Paul knew the Lord knew best, and he was willing to abandon his plans for the direction of the Lord.
Learning to follow the Lord is not an exact science. Paul was a man of prayer, and that helped him discern what the Holy Spirit was prompting him to do. A very wise woman once told me to pay attention to the whispers of my heart. That's a good way to look at the Lord's leading. He does not shout. He rarely uses angels, but He does whisper to our hearts by His Holy Spirit, who's been sent to help us, lead us, show us things to come, and guide us into truth. We're not alone. We have help.
Lord, thank you for leading me by your Holy Spirit. I'm very blessed to have the same helper that led Paul so many years ago. The Holy Spirit has not lost his touch and is very capable of leading me. I'm capable of discerning his help.