Acts 26:28-29 NKJV
28 Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.”
29 And Paul said, “I would to God that not only you, but also all who hear me today, might become both almost and altogether such as I am, except for these chains.”
In chapter 26, Paul is giving his defense before King Agrippa, his wife Bernice, and Festus, the governor of the region. Paul knows that King Agrippa has a good background in Jewish customs and ways. So, Paul goes into some detail about his life prior to the vision on the road to Damascus. Paul also shares more details of what Jesus said to him in the road vision. Verse 18 reveals that Jesus gave Paul his mission right there in that blinding light experience. Paul was told that he was to go to the Gentiles and would open their eyes to turn them from darkness to light and the power of Satan to God. Verse 18 is a good summary of any preacher’s mission.
As Paul was speaking, Festus accused him of being crazy. Paul did not rebuke Festus but rather called him most noble Festus and calmly explained that he was not crazy. Then Paul directly speaks to King Agrippa. Paul challenges Agrippa as to whether or not he believes the prophets. Paul even goes as far as to answer his challenge by declaring he knows Agrippa believes. Paul was not timid.
Agrippa’s response is telling. Some translations make Agrippa’s answer harder to discern, but the King James and New King James give similar responses. King Agrippa states that Paul almost persuades him to be a Christian. Agrippa had to have some knowledge of The Way to even call believers Christians.
And Paul’s answer is both bold and revealing. Paul wanted everyone hearing him to be like him. Except for the fact that he was a prisoner, Paul wanted everyone to be a believer. Paul was completely unashamed of the gospel. Even standing before powerful Roman rulers, Paul knew their power and position were temporary. And even though Festus had somewhat mocked him, Paul still wanted Festus to be a believer. Paul had a strong sense of the fact that life down here on earth was short and eternity was long. Paul’s heart for the lost and strong confidence in the gospel played a big role in his effectiveness.
There is a tendency to soft-pedal the gospel when speaking with people we think are more prestigious. It can be easier to present the gospel to someone who is down and out. But it takes a genuine confidence to boldly present the gospel to the up and out. Those who are wealthier, more powerful, and more educated, the elite of society, present a challenge. Their needs are not as obvious as someone who is hurting. But even though the advantaged appear in a stronger position as far as the flesh is concerned, their spiritual need is just as dramatic as the person in a hurting needier condition.
May God grant us the spiritual insight to see that someone’s superior outward state does not mean that spiritually, they are on the right track. Paul knew this and was bold in the presence of an earthly king. But Paul knew that he had a relationship with the King of Kings and was part of an eternal kingdom with no end.
Lord, help me to see with spiritual eyes that all people need to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. And give me the confidence to present You without any shame or timidity.